Q1: What is the primary purpose of ASME Section IX, Part QG?
- To outline the general requirements for welding
- To outline the general requirements for brazing
- To outline the general requirements for plastic fusing
- All of the above
(Explanation: ASME Section IX, Part QG, is designed to cover the general requirements for various material-joining processes, including welding, brazing, and plastic fusing. This ensures that the standards are comprehensive and applicable to different types of joining methods, providing a unified approach to quality in these processes.)
Q2. What is the primary purpose of a Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) as per ASME Section IX?
- To list the materials used in welding
- To provide a detailed plan for producing a weld that meets code requirements
- To document the qualifications of the welder
- To specify the cost of welding operations
(Explanation: The primary purpose of a Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) is to ensure that the welding process produces a weld that meets the required standards and specifications. This document is crucial for maintaining quality and safety in welding operations, making it a frequently searched topic among welding professionals and engineers.)
Q3. Which of the following variables are generally considered as an essential variable in a WPS as per ASME Section IX?
- Welder’s experience, type of welding machine, and cost of welding materials
- Type of welding machine, cost of welding operations, and welder’s certification
- Base material, filler material, P Number and preheat temperature
- Welding position, welding electrode, P number and welder’s experience
(Explanation: Essential variables in a WPS are critical factors that can affect the mechanical properties of the weld. These include base material, filler material, P number and preheat temperature.)
Q4. In which position a welder can weld in groove welds (in plate and pipe over 24″ OD), if he is qualified in 4G position (As per ASME section IX)? www.weldingandndt.com
- All positions
- Flat and Overhead
- Overhead
- Flat, Vertical and Overhead
(Explanation: According to Table QW-461.9 of ASME Section IX, a welder qualified in the 4G position can weld in the flat and overhead positions for plate and pipe over 24″ O.D.)
Q5. A welder qualified with plate fillet welds in the 3F and 4F positions is qualified to weld groove welds in plate in which positions? www.weldingandndt.com
- Flat
- Flat and Vertical
- Vertical and Overhead
- None of the above
(Explanation: According to Table QW-461.9 of ASME Section IX, a welder qualified in the 3F and 4F positions for plate fillet welding is not qualified to perform groove welds. www.weldingandndt.com)
Q6. When a tensile test specimen breaks in the base metal outside of the weld or fusion line, the tensile strength (UTS) recorded may be at the most how much below the specified tensile strength to be accepted as per ASME section IX?
- 5%
- 10%
- 15%
- Cannot be accepted if it breaks below the specified minimum tensile strength
(Explanation: According to QW-153.1(d), if the specimen fractures in the base metal outside of the weld or fusion line, the test will be considered acceptable as long as the recorded strength does not fall more than 5% below the minimum specified tensile strength of the base metal.)
Q7. The acceptance criteria for radiography tests of welder qualification test can be found in which of the following ASME codes?
- ASME Section IX
- ASME Section VIII Div. 1
- ASME Section VI
- The referencing code
(Explanation: The acceptance criteria for radiographic testing used in welder qualification is specified in ASME Section IX. QW-191.1.2)
Q8. If a WPS was qualified under the 1965 edition of ASME Section IX, can it still be used today? (www.weldingandndt.com)
- Yes, it remains valid
- No, it must be requalified to the current code
- It can only be used for 1965-era pressure vessels
- It is limited to repair welding, not new construction
(Explanation: As per QG-108 of ASME Section IX, Joining procedure specifications, procedure qualifications, and performance qualifications established in accordance with earlier editions or addenda of this section may be utilized for any construction where the current edition has been specified. www.weldingandndt.com)
Q9. If a welder was qualified in the SMAW process on January 1, 2023, and last performed welding with SMAW on March 30, 2023, will he still be qualified on October 15, 2024?
- Yes
- No
- Yes, but with close monitoring
- Yes, but only for non-critical jobs first
(Explanation: As per QW-322.1 of ASME Section IX, A welder’s qualification is only valid for 6 months from the time they last performed welding with that process. In this case, since the welder last welded with SMAW on March 30, 2023, their qualification would have expired on September 30, 2023 (6 months later). Therefore, on October 15, 2024, the welder would no longer be considered qualified for the SMAW process. Hence, the welder would need to pass a new welder qualification test or retest.)
Q10. What is the key difference between test positions 2F and 2FR for fillet welds in pipes? (www.weldingandndt.com)
- In 2F, the pipe axis remains vertical, while in 2FR, the pipe axis remains horizontal and the pipe is rotated during welding.
- In 2F, the pipe axis remains horizontal, while in 2FR, the pipe axis remains vertical and the pipe is rotated during welding
- The pipe axis remains horizontal in both positions (2F & 2FR). However, the pipe is rotated in 2FR.
- None of the above
(Explanation: In 2F position, the pipe’s axis is vertical, which means that the welder works on a horizontal weld joint located at the top of the vertical pipe. The welding process is performed without rotating the pipe, allowing for a fixed position for the welder. However, in 2FR position, the pipe’s axis is horizontal. This allows for the pipe to be rotated during the welding process, which can make it easier for the welder to maintain a consistent weld bead and improve access to the joint.) (www.weldingandndt.com)
Q11. What is the acceptance criteria for porosity (rounded indication) in a welder qualification test according to ASME Section IX?
- 1/8 inch (3 mm) maximum
- 20% of the total weld thickness (excluding any reinforcement) or 1/8 inch (3 mm), whichever is smaller (
- 30% of the total thickness or 1/2 inch (12.5 mm), whichever is smaller
- None of the above
(Explanation: As per QW- (b)(2)(-a) of ASME Section IX, The maximum permissible dimension for rounded indications shall be 20% of the thickness of the weld, excluding any allowable reinforcement, or 1/8 in. (3 mm), whichever is smaller. For a groove weld joining two base metals having different thicknesses at the weld, the thickness is the thinner of the two base metals being joined.
Example: Consider a groove weld joining two base metals with thicknesses of 1 in. (25 mm) and 3/4 in. (19 mm). The thickness of the weld, excluding any allowable reinforcement, is the thinner base metal, which is 3/4 in. (19 mm).
Calculation of Maximum Permissible Dimension for Rounded Indications:
- 20% of Weld Thickness:
- 20% of 3/4 in. = 0.15 in. (approximately 3.8 mm)
- Comparison with 1/8 in. (3 mm):
- Since 1/8 in. (3 mm) is smaller than 0.15 in. (3.8 mm), the maximum permissible dimension for rounded indications is 1/8 in. (3 mm).
This means that any rounded indications (such as porosity) found in the weld must not exceed 1/8 in. (3 mm) in size to meet the acceptance criteria. )
Q12. Which clause in ASME Section IX specifies that a Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) qualified for plate welding can also be used for pipe welding?
- Clause QW-201
- Clause QW-202
- Clause QW-211
- There is no such clause in ASME section IX
(Explanation: ASME Section IX, clause QW-211, states that qualification in plate welding also qualifies a WPS for pipe welding and vice versa. This means that a WPS qualified for welding on plates is also qualified for welding on pipes, and the same applies in reverse.)
Q13. A Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) was qualified by conducting a Procedure Qualification Test (PQT) in the 1G position. Can that WPS be qualified for all positions? (
- No, the WPS can only be qualified for the 1G position
- Yes, the WPS can be qualified for all positions including overhead position
- The WPS can be qualified for all positions except 6G, as the 1G PQT is insufficient for 6G qualification.
- The WPS can be qualified for all positions in fillet joint. However, only flat position in groove joints.
(Explanation: According to QW-203 of ASME Section IX, if a Procedure Qualification Test (PQT) is conducted in any position (such as 1G), the resulting Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) can be qualified for all positions. However, it is essential that the welding process and electrodes used are appropriate for the positions allowed by the WPS.)
Q14. A welder has passed the welder qualification test in 3G and 4G positions on a groove welded joint test coupon prepared from a 16 mm thick mild steel (MS) plate. In which of the following positions is he qualified to perform fillet welding on both plate and pipe? (www.weldingandndt.com)
- All Positions
- Flat & Vertical
- Flat, Vertical & Horizontal
- Vertical Only
(Explanation: As per table QW-461.9 of ASME Section IX, A welder qualified with 3G & 4G position can weld all positions in fillet joints on both plates and pipes).
Q15. A welder has passed the performance qualification test (WQT) in 3G and 4G positions on a groove welded joint test coupon prepared from a 16 mm thick mild steel (MS) plate. In which of the following positions is he qualified to perform groove joint on plate? (www.weldingandndt.com)
- All Positions
- Flat & Vertical
- Flat, Vertical & Overhead
- Vertical Only
(Explanation: As per table QW-461.9 of ASME Section IX, A welder qualified with 3G & 4G position can weld flat, vertical & overhead positions in groove joints on plates).
Q16. If a welder deposited 12 mm thick weld (with three layers) on a 16 mm thick test coupon during qualification test, what is the maximum thickness he is qualified to weld? (www.weldingandndt.com)
- 24 mm
- 12 mm
- Can’t be qualified
- Unlimited
(Explanation: As per Table QW-452.1(b) – ASME Section IX, Thickness of Weld Metal Qualified is “2t” Where “t ” is thickness of the deposited weld metal in the coupon during the welder qualification (performance qualification) test. Hence, if the welder has deposited 12 mm thick weld during the test, he/she can weld upto a thickness of 24 mm i.e. 2t = 2X12 mm = 24 mm. www.weldingandndt.com)
Q17. If a welder deposited 16 mm thick weld (with four layers) on a 20 mm thick test coupon during qualification test, what is the maximum thickness he is qualified to weld? (www.weldingandndt.com)
- 32 mm
- 16 mm
- Can’t be qualified
- Maximum to be welded
- Unlimited
(Explanation: As per Table QW-452.1(b) in ASME Section IX, if a welder deposits weld metal that is 13 mm or thicker (with a minimum of three layers), he qualifies for maximum thickness specified in the Welding Procedure Specification (WPS). Given that the welder deposited 16 mm with four layers, which exceeds both the 13 mm thickness and the requirement of three layers, he qualifies to weld the maximum thickness specified in the Welding Procedure Specification. www.weldingandndt.com)